This blog is my place to discuss food, photography, dreams, love, living & hoping, creating and designing.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
So as my friend SK likes to say, I'm in vegASS. Working on the opening act for Ellens upcoming even bigger show in which Chadd and the LXD are doing the opening number. Tonight a party and then tomorrow choreography. pictures to come and money to lose, good times!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Maui babe'in it
I think it's a great sign that after only a week of vacation I was happy to come back to my life. Maui was amazing, beautiful and a much needed slow paced change from LA. It was an in-law family vacation and was mostly harmonious and full of laughter and jokes. We played, zip lined, snorkeled, boogie boarded, waterfalls and ate ate ate our way through Maui (in a non fatty way) but at the end of the week I was missing my bed, kitties and life. I think that's the first time I've been somewhere amazing and wasn't counting down the days in a sad way. It made me realize just how great my life is here and that all the decisions we've made are ones we've wanted. Call it the law of attraction, the secret or stream just as long as it keeps calling me a follower. Chadd went straight to shooting a myspace halloween miley cyrus thing and we've been lining up some exciting shows with the ole' ACDC crew for later next month that I'm happy to be involved in the production of.
Not to mention that its still 90 degrees here in LA. If sun = fun, then I'm sure to have plenty of it regardless of what package it comes in:)
Not to mention that its still 90 degrees here in LA. If sun = fun, then I'm sure to have plenty of it regardless of what package it comes in:)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
too furry to vote but cute enough to run!
Coco is not so much a cat but a screamer. All day, starting an hour before my alarm yells at me she starts. it would be so much better if her meow was sweet and cute but its crotchety and grumpy. If I could upload audio I would god damnit! OK, so, I figured it out today who she is and what she is all about. She's a fucking lobbyist. Starting first thing in the morning she lobbies for a fresh top off on her food, she lobbies for pets, for attention, for looking, loving, for fresh water, for our water, to be let into the bathroom and then immediately to be let out. She must be the older sister of the two and every time Charli complains about something I can picture Coco meowing to her "don't worry lil sis, I got this one". I hate to say it but wouldn't you know she's probably even a republican or should I say, republican't do nothin right!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
3 days in a row obsessed
It's called Oburger and my husband can no longer live without it now that he knows it exists. It's in boystown and he's still willing to go because they are organic burgers, like legit organic and tasty to boot! So in the last 3 days, we've been 4 times. He's there right now and is allegedly bringing me a shake (with kefir live cultures and dates) but I'm starting to feel like he may never arrive and instead say some crazed healthy-homo man stole my shake and made him play naughty boomboom games (don't ask me what that entails). Check it out though, the burgers not the gays, at
MMMMMMMM-TASTY! Again the burger not the boys.
MMMMMMMM-TASTY! Again the burger not the boys.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
what's in a name.....
If I ever want new music on my iPhone all i have to do is go through the collection of music my hubby has on our computer because we have soooo much. He's a bit of a music junkie which I love and features mostly old school electronic mixed in with a nice bit of staples anyone should have. Sting, coldplay, zapp and rogers, Whitney Houston etc.. This has me thinking about all the band names out there because there are soooo many! I seriously want to know the story behind all these names and how they were imagine. Some like Dave Mathews band are quite obvi but The White Stripes took some creativity, Sting is part of the Police and why are the Beatles called that? Stars as Eyes and Square pusher must have been drinking or drug induced but then again artists are wickedly creative people unlike myself who would probably name my band Chaigha or Princess Rocks or better yet Sexy Hot Shoes. That last ones actually not that bad, perhaps theres less mystery to this equation than I thought. Right now I'm going to listen to a mixture of Chromeo and Sparklehorse. What would your band be called?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The summer round-up
Time doesn't fly or catch up to you. It plays itself out everyday on the same frame. 24 hours a day, tick tock. Time is the steady, life's constant yet we are the ones surprised by it. Like it played a trick on us and snuck up. I've been conscious but not receptive I guess to the idea that the summer is coming to a close. Intermission really is over although here in SoCal we get a little extension by way of September but still, it's ending. My sister living with us this summer took over many portions of my life that truthfully I was happy to give up for her. My vitamin taking, reading and blogging suffered but on the other hand SO much flourished: Yoga, so much laughter, a lot of great food and dinners, always having my own buddy when we went out, my closet grew under her tutelage and outfit suggestions, my power as a 'girl' increased and some fundamental life stuff was discussed. Naturally, Chadd and I had to incorporate someone else into our every moment and so a bit of independence and intimacy occurred but with our whole life together ahead of us we didn't mind so much.
I truly feel like there's been personal growth this summer and not just because of Elyse. Maybe this is what 30 is, the feeling isn't coming from the outside in but from my insides deciding more and more who I am. The me/I/mine that's kept me feeling like a character description who has to stay as described otherwise she'll become unrecognizable is melting as I embrace that I am an evolving human. allowed to change and grow. To shed layers and opinions. To "let my inner light shine" and direct me to places I've never been within. The yoga I've been taking has helped me connect with this physical form of mine and to respect it but to know that I too am just made up of energy and protein. My spiritual outlook has always known about the connection between all things but it's seeing that more clearly now. The energy my mind and body feels when I'm happy or hurt is something I'm contributing to this world. It's my responsibility to make it positive.
I know my goals can be achieved and my life will go according to my plan as long as I have a plan that I believe in. For now, I am dreaming it up so that I can begin creating it and turn my thoughts into things.
I truly feel like there's been personal growth this summer and not just because of Elyse. Maybe this is what 30 is, the feeling isn't coming from the outside in but from my insides deciding more and more who I am. The me/I/mine that's kept me feeling like a character description who has to stay as described otherwise she'll become unrecognizable is melting as I embrace that I am an evolving human. allowed to change and grow. To shed layers and opinions. To "let my inner light shine" and direct me to places I've never been within. The yoga I've been taking has helped me connect with this physical form of mine and to respect it but to know that I too am just made up of energy and protein. My spiritual outlook has always known about the connection between all things but it's seeing that more clearly now. The energy my mind and body feels when I'm happy or hurt is something I'm contributing to this world. It's my responsibility to make it positive.
I know my goals can be achieved and my life will go according to my plan as long as I have a plan that I believe in. For now, I am dreaming it up so that I can begin creating it and turn my thoughts into things.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Who she'd be if she only had 2 feet instead of 4 paws

This is Charli, she is in high school and on the cheer squad but declined being head of squad this year because to be honest she's a little over being a cheer leader but didn't want to leave the girls high and dry. She has all the cool friends and can shop a mixture of vintage and new, putting it together just so nothing looks off the rack. She dates the drama leads and football players but is nice to the nerds and makes them feel like they may have a chance (though they don't). Her uncle is an producer and in the summers she gets to PA on his movies but really all she has to do is make sure the stars are comfortable and have someone to talk toand a drink in hand. Mostly she just raids the wardrobe racks. She could drive a new car but prefers her old bug with a rebuilt engine that she had made into a convertable. She has a younger sister who just doesn't seem to get it but she incorporates her into all her plans and considers her the best friend she'll ever have. Charli is happy laying in the grass without a blanket down or doing yoga but can handle herself among her parents friends at the country club just as well. Her birthmark only adds to her beauty and she wears it proudly, "who wants to look like everyone else? not me, that's boring" she says. She doesn't have a myspace because she'd rather be in person to communicate with her friends. When she wants to be social she has her friends over for slumber parties and sometimes they go out to Malibu or Los Feliz but most of time they stay in and remake their favorite movie scenes for 'fun' and post them to their monetized you tube site. They donate the money they make to help inner city arts programs flourish.
When its time for cocktails she orders hers with a sugar rim and seductively licks sugar off before every sip. Her favorite purse is a white vintage clutch that all her girlfriends 'kissed' with different color fabric paint.
This year, Charli is in charge of decorating for the prom and can't decide on a theme because she's into the green movement but thinks its a bit overdone so she's thinking of having a set decorator recreate the Hollywood walk of fame on the venues floor with each graduating student getting a star with their name on it that they can take home and having all the chaperones dress as different period movie stars. They've also decided that having a king and queen are too elitist and should be boycotted this year for a more fun feel. This is the last year of high school and it's gonna be great.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Red hot on the Red Carpet
What a cutie! ACDC, as in Adam/Chu Dance Crew (if you don't know about this, youtube jonmchu, madd chadd or biggest online dance battle ever THIS VERY INSTINT) performed at the Step Up 2 DVD release party on Monday at the Avalon and it was a good time had by all (except my liver). ACDC kicked off the show and then there were battles between a bunch of crews. Lacy and Benji were there and so was MIA MICHELS who I love:) If you haven't seen the movie you really should because Jon really let the dancer SHINE like the top of the chrystler building!!!
She's the BEEZIEST of all the TRANNY's
Today's guest blogger is my sister ELYSE. She wrote this for 944 magazine, where she interns at... Cute huh?
I am going to attempt to write a blog strictly in my lingo…just so I can profess the interesting change in language that has occurred amongst the younger gen. in recent decades, that I FEEL would make learning the language a tad bit difficult. I personally whip out gangsta sayings and movie quotages in daily convo, which tends to stumble my followers and there is room to say I may not make sense. But I feel that denying this slang is crapsicles. I mean I know there have been moments where I have called my hetero life mate Leigha a beezy and she was offended. Little did that tranny know, I was just referring to her beeziness in a positive beeztastic way! Needless to say, lets be surious yo. The constant abbrev’s, elongationage and match-mixing of words have led us all to concoct our own verbal dialogue foreign to anyone except our own frontal lobe. Yet I would like to give snaps to every fantastical crazy kid out there ballsy enough to whip out words like broski, rando, skeez and tranny fierocia. So go, go out into the world with your plethora of lingotastic sayings and spread them into the abyss, hopefully to befuddle and taint other slangless beings. Fo sheezy…
I am going to attempt to write a blog strictly in my lingo…just so I can profess the interesting change in language that has occurred amongst the younger gen. in recent decades, that I FEEL would make learning the language a tad bit difficult. I personally whip out gangsta sayings and movie quotages in daily convo, which tends to stumble my followers and there is room to say I may not make sense. But I feel that denying this slang is crapsicles. I mean I know there have been moments where I have called my hetero life mate Leigha a beezy and she was offended. Little did that tranny know, I was just referring to her beeziness in a positive beeztastic way! Needless to say, lets be surious yo. The constant abbrev’s, elongationage and match-mixing of words have led us all to concoct our own verbal dialogue foreign to anyone except our own frontal lobe. Yet I would like to give snaps to every fantastical crazy kid out there ballsy enough to whip out words like broski, rando, skeez and tranny fierocia. So go, go out into the world with your plethora of lingotastic sayings and spread them into the abyss, hopefully to befuddle and taint other slangless beings. Fo sheezy…
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
she'll always be young to me
No matter how old my little sister gets, I'm sure I will always feel the need to ask her if she wants me to call and wake her up or if she put all my stuff borrowed back. Isn't that why I'm an older sister after all; to boss her around! She is 22 today and has been staying with me the last month. Mostly its been a great time had by all even though there's been a few rocky patches but I think that's to be expected. For the most part we spend our time watching cooking shows (Giada and Jamie oliver), cooking which leads to drinking which leads to feeling bad about not working out. We've been trying to get out on a run mon-thurs and so far we're at about 50%. Lets just say there is much room for improvement.
Today, Elyse is working her little tush off (seen recently on at an event where she interns. I feel for the little munchkin and can't wait to properly cheers her over drinks and her ever favorite Thai food.
Happy Birthday munchkin head!!!!!!!!!!
Picture 1 is what I see when I look at her (I'm sure its the what my mom sees too which is why she's freaking out at the thought of her driving by herself back to Arizona)
Picture 2 is what she looked like opening mom's card (and check) this morning at breakfast.

Today, Elyse is working her little tush off (seen recently on at an event where she interns. I feel for the little munchkin and can't wait to properly cheers her over drinks and her ever favorite Thai food.
Happy Birthday munchkin head!!!!!!!!!!
Picture 1 is what I see when I look at her (I'm sure its the what my mom sees too which is why she's freaking out at the thought of her driving by herself back to Arizona)
Picture 2 is what she looked like opening mom's card (and check) this morning at breakfast.

Friday, June 13, 2008
Sex in the hot desert
My trip back to Tempe to visit Elyse and drive back to LA with her was basically planned around the opening night of Sex and The City. For the last year the plan was for us to see it together but considering we live a mere 6 hour drive from each other, I wasn't quite sure that would happen. I had a back up plan though. My adorable husbands only watched every episode a handful of times at my request so he was going to be my plus 1 IF it came to that. Lucky for him, it didn't.
I flew into Tempe on the 30th of May at 5:40pn and our movie tickets were for 7:50pm. That didn't leave much time for well anything but somehow we fit in an outfit change which I decided was not SATC worthy once we got to the outdoor mall where the movie theatre was so I popped into a store to purchase a whole new one (in less than 3 minutes!!). We also had some delicious cosmo's (of course) and aps. BUT, the most fun for me was we walked by a Tilly's store where 3 of Chadd's ads were hanging in the windows. I've never had that happen before and it was a hoot. I was standing there like a retard taking pictures of the pictures in the window.

The movie was good, not life changing by any means but it filled the spot left empty in my SATC loving heart for at least 2 hours.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
So nice to meet you
my blogger, my author, my friend? MY FRIEND!!
Can you consider someone your friend after 1 shopping excursion, 1 dinner and an exchange of phone numbers? I hope so, because that would make Stephanie Klein my friend. I just adore her. Love her words, thoughts and energy. She has long since been a favorite author of mine, even inspiring me to drive 6 hours before to her last book reading and checking out her website nearly every day for the last 2 years. As someone who loves to read, write and express, I really enjoy finding a voice out there that could be mine but isn't. Like Stephanie, I was with a doctor and let go of a life that at some point I thought I wanted. Then, I had to make a new life, find a new path with no markers leading the way. I did, she did and we both still have it. I found love and a new zip code with Chadd and her love took her to Austin and brought her BEAUTIFUL TWINS. Now, not only do I know her on paper but I actually have hung with her and feel so blessed. To me, it feels right that I would find myself toasting her over drinks but it also shocks me and makes me count all my blessings. Phil, Stephanie's husband is very nice and down to earth too and I hope to eventually meet their adorable beans...
Can you consider someone your friend after 1 shopping excursion, 1 dinner and an exchange of phone numbers? I hope so, because that would make Stephanie Klein my friend. I just adore her. Love her words, thoughts and energy. She has long since been a favorite author of mine, even inspiring me to drive 6 hours before to her last book reading and checking out her website nearly every day for the last 2 years. As someone who loves to read, write and express, I really enjoy finding a voice out there that could be mine but isn't. Like Stephanie, I was with a doctor and let go of a life that at some point I thought I wanted. Then, I had to make a new life, find a new path with no markers leading the way. I did, she did and we both still have it. I found love and a new zip code with Chadd and her love took her to Austin and brought her BEAUTIFUL TWINS. Now, not only do I know her on paper but I actually have hung with her and feel so blessed. To me, it feels right that I would find myself toasting her over drinks but it also shocks me and makes me count all my blessings. Phil, Stephanie's husband is very nice and down to earth too and I hope to eventually meet their adorable beans...
Monday, May 26, 2008
That's just the kind of family I married into...
I knew something was up and I was right! My sweet mother (and father) in law arranged to take care of our bill when we go to dinner tonight. We are dining at the place we got married at and sitting in the actual place that we stood a year ago and took our vows. Our wedding was amazing, especially our vows. I love that all our favorite and most important people watched us say the most amazing things to each other. Promises that we will never break and now tonight we can sort off relive that moment. Maybe just for kicks I'll bring our vows to dinner and we can whisper them to each other again.
I just feel so fortunate to have wonderful family in my life. People that I want to spend my free time with and travel with. It makes me feel so loved and cherished!
anniversaries come but once year
and its ours!!! 1 year ago today I was hustling around the Fairmont Hotel getting read to be wed! It was a wild amazing day.
This is my love letter to you babe,
I adore you wholeheartedly. You have given me my best life and enriched my soul so much. I was always waiting and hoping for a love like ours. Its happy ending love and I'm getting to fill in the story myself with you. I know that you are my one love because in the 4 years that I've been only loving and kissing you my heart has never left you for a moment. All I dream of is growing older with you. I want to hold your hand everyday of my life.
The things that bring me joy are so subtle like playing with the kitties, eating a good meal together, sniffing you and snuggling. These make the big things like traveling, planning, dancing and laughing so much better because there is depth below the fun.
love your wife,
This is my love letter to you babe,
I adore you wholeheartedly. You have given me my best life and enriched my soul so much. I was always waiting and hoping for a love like ours. Its happy ending love and I'm getting to fill in the story myself with you. I know that you are my one love because in the 4 years that I've been only loving and kissing you my heart has never left you for a moment. All I dream of is growing older with you. I want to hold your hand everyday of my life.
The things that bring me joy are so subtle like playing with the kitties, eating a good meal together, sniffing you and snuggling. These make the big things like traveling, planning, dancing and laughing so much better because there is depth below the fun.
love your wife,
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I smell because I'm excited!
Isn't it sad that BO is my bodies reaction to good news. My Jewish/Italian mix is letting itself be known right about now. The cause of this is that my fave blogger/author Stephanie Klein's hubby Phil called me today asking if I'd be her LA volunteer for her book readings next month. OF COURSE I'd do it! I am also putting together some goodie bags for her to raffle of that will be given away at her readings. I'm really trying to hook the readers up and so far have a massage G.C. to give away at each. I'm hoping to get some handmade goodies, wine and magazines.
I've met SK once before at a book signing but I can't wait to really meet her this time. She's more 'celebrity' to me than most of the actresses out there, so it's kind of a big deal!
Here's a pic from the last time I met her and this time I hope to look a bit less like a lesbo.
I've met SK once before at a book signing but I can't wait to really meet her this time. She's more 'celebrity' to me than most of the actresses out there, so it's kind of a big deal!
Here's a pic from the last time I met her and this time I hope to look a bit less like a lesbo.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Chace is now my hubbys new 'robot' crew (if you can call 2 people a crew) with his friend Ace. Get it Chadd + ACE = Chace. We are wildly creative people as you can tell. They've been just itching to preform and fuckster as we like to say. Fuckstering basically consists of going to a public place, getting down robot style and messing with people. Costumes and recording are a must.
S they convinced me to come and be camera women extroidinaire so we tagged along to this event with Aces friend Audrey. It was actually quite cool and totally up my alley. It was for bloggers and was being held at MILK which is this cute cafe that's on beverly just east of fairfax that serves ice cream, treats and some basic food.
The clip will be on Youtube soon but to give you the idea of what went down here's a pic for now of the guys:

So although this is not a food blog I do have to say WOW, they had some seriously amazing goodies. This is a good place to go to for a casual lite lunch followed by heavy desserts.
The people there really enjoyed and embraced the robot which was nice because you never know how a business will respond to you just taking over and recording in their establishment. I think what we realized is, EVERYONE LOVES THE ROBOT. DO YOU?
S they convinced me to come and be camera women extroidinaire so we tagged along to this event with Aces friend Audrey. It was actually quite cool and totally up my alley. It was for bloggers and was being held at MILK which is this cute cafe that's on beverly just east of fairfax that serves ice cream, treats and some basic food.
The clip will be on Youtube soon but to give you the idea of what went down here's a pic for now of the guys:

So although this is not a food blog I do have to say WOW, they had some seriously amazing goodies. This is a good place to go to for a casual lite lunch followed by heavy desserts.
The people there really enjoyed and embraced the robot which was nice because you never know how a business will respond to you just taking over and recording in their establishment. I think what we realized is, EVERYONE LOVES THE ROBOT. DO YOU?

"go find Emma and tell her she sucks..."
"and give yourself a star or something Joshua."
This is what i just said to the customer service rep at Amazon. This company is now slightly on my shit list. Mostly because I'm Jewish and partly because they are sneaky and slid some $79 charge through on my bank account. BUT I caught it and called them and then EMMA sucked and didn't cancel the charge 8 days ago like she said she would (again, you suck Emma). So I called today and Joshua was all, well no one had corrected that charge yet so let me just do that quickly for you now. WTF? Why do these customer service people do that? It's not like she was going to profit from the $79 that amazon gets so what's in it for her besides laziness. And while I'm on it, $79 is a steep ass charge for some 'club' that gets you free shipping for a year. I mean really, how much does it cost to ship a book or CD?
This is what i just said to the customer service rep at Amazon. This company is now slightly on my shit list. Mostly because I'm Jewish and partly because they are sneaky and slid some $79 charge through on my bank account. BUT I caught it and called them and then EMMA sucked and didn't cancel the charge 8 days ago like she said she would (again, you suck Emma). So I called today and Joshua was all, well no one had corrected that charge yet so let me just do that quickly for you now. WTF? Why do these customer service people do that? It's not like she was going to profit from the $79 that amazon gets so what's in it for her besides laziness. And while I'm on it, $79 is a steep ass charge for some 'club' that gets you free shipping for a year. I mean really, how much does it cost to ship a book or CD?
Saturday, May 10, 2008
girls gotta have her gays...
I spent the day recouping from having people over. Jenn left this morning and so did Erik who spent the night last night as well. Then i ate entirely too much pasta for one girl. Then i hung with my gays for a bit. Now after writing cards and reading mags i'm hunkering down with my kitties and watching cast away. This movie gets me. Tom Hanks is one of the best actors and so much of this movie is just him grunting and yelling and bleeding. At least he's a billionaire and can clean up real nice after a movie like this where i'm sure he basically starved himself for months to get that starved look.
Chadds at Ellen Degeneres birthday party doing a dance performance. Hope it goes well and they play a clip on her show at least.
Chadds at Ellen Degeneres birthday party doing a dance performance. Hope it goes well and they play a clip on her show at least.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
hip hop update
Took class tuesday night. It was sooo gay but fun. As Chadd would say, there was a lot of chicken wingin.
I would go back tonight but Jenn is going to be here and we will probably be chilling and catching up on the 3 yrs since we've seen eachother last.
I feel rich in friends right now. Just had lunch with Elise who's one of my first friends from LA and we dined at Le Conversation. The soup was lame but the salad and company were great!
I would go back tonight but Jenn is going to be here and we will probably be chilling and catching up on the 3 yrs since we've seen eachother last.
I feel rich in friends right now. Just had lunch with Elise who's one of my first friends from LA and we dined at Le Conversation. The soup was lame but the salad and company were great!
current sick obsession
I know i'm not the only one drawn to negative shows like snapped and intervention. Those snapped ladies, who go crazy and kill their husband. They all think they've covered their tracks and its like really? Did you really think it wasn't gonna be found out that you were sleeping around with the other sunday school leader and embezzling from the church? really? God much have taught you all the act of ignorance and foolishness because your new life in prison without your children will most likely neither be blissful or godly. But I digress, my real obsession these days or since april 28th is that of Elisabeth Frizl. They girl (now women) from Austria who was held in an underground cellar for 24 yrs by her insesstuas father who kept her as his 'mistress' and fathered 7 kids with her. 7 kids! 24 yrs! it's too awful to comprehend although i've tried. I was 6 yrs old the last time she saw the light of day and now 24 yrs later at 42 she is free although she is now the mother of her fathers children. I hope she can comeback somehow from this. I feel so deeply for this women half way around the globe and so murderously for her vile father. It turns my stomach and my imagination is in full force trying to conceive of her life day in and day out. Just awful. Even though my life has not been always blessed I feel grateful. Just to be free, to have choice, to go to work and on a walk. To not be a prisoner to anyone but my own self and to be my own shining star.
Good luck Elisabeth. My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope peace and acceptance lie somewhere in your future.
Good luck Elisabeth. My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope peace and acceptance lie somewhere in your future.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
saturdays really my only happy day of the week. There's a dark cloud hanging over sunday and it's not because I don't like work. I truthfully don't mind work. Its the hours and repetitiveness of work that gets me. 5 days in the row of waking up at 8am is a drag. I wouldn't choose to sleep in late if I didn't work, I would sleep differently. Better in fact if I knew that alarm wasn't going to yell at me. I'd prefer to wake up to the insessint meows of Coco demading to be fed and Charli walking across us looking for a hand to pet her.
There's no hump in my day thats for sure.
There's no hump in my day thats for sure.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
its my part time job
Drinks between the hours of 2-3pm at the Palm monday - friday with boss and sometimes Exec- prod (I must protect thier privacy HA). Carlos is the bartender of choice whereas my drink of choice (d.o.c. = doc, like medicine) fluctuates between Champagne, vodka tonic, Lemondrop, Arnold Palmer if I decide not to partake in libations and todays was uber yummy: a margharita rocks NO SALT with a splash of Chambord so basically its a purple margharita.
Unfortunately for this foodie theres usually on drinks sometimes an extra olive or some flat bread but none of the steak or lobster that the Palm is so well no for. Boo hoo for me.
I usually only have one drink because 2 would basically have me going home drunk to pass out at 5 therefore forgoing all of my good intentions for the evening. Tonight, I plan on hitting up 'Hip hop' at 24 hr fitness. It'll technically be my first class and i hope its not lead by some ubergay who can't get down because I will walk out I swear. I'm deliberating over going thug out in maybe some gangsta sweats and a bandana or should i blend in with the gays with some tight bicycle shorts and a thong leotard over. Only time will tell.
I must blog about Entourage shooting at work last week. Must be recorded for posterity, whatever that means.
Unfortunately for this foodie theres usually on drinks sometimes an extra olive or some flat bread but none of the steak or lobster that the Palm is so well no for. Boo hoo for me.
I usually only have one drink because 2 would basically have me going home drunk to pass out at 5 therefore forgoing all of my good intentions for the evening. Tonight, I plan on hitting up 'Hip hop' at 24 hr fitness. It'll technically be my first class and i hope its not lead by some ubergay who can't get down because I will walk out I swear. I'm deliberating over going thug out in maybe some gangsta sweats and a bandana or should i blend in with the gays with some tight bicycle shorts and a thong leotard over. Only time will tell.
I must blog about Entourage shooting at work last week. Must be recorded for posterity, whatever that means.
that new car smell and my dream dinner
We traded in our car last night for a brand new scion. Smells YUMMY!! There is something so intoxicating about that smell. Anyways, felt like we got a good deal and Chadds uber happy too.
His lips are healing pretty nicely and he should look like a normal human in a few days, hopefully. Until then no work for him.
Sometimes when i read celebrity interviews they ask them who they'd want to have dinner with if they could meet anyone. I find that most people list Oprah or Angelina but they would only be informative not enjoyable. My dream dinner companions are Amy Sedaris, Heather Armstrong of, Chelsea Handler and also Stephanie Klein and Augusten burroughs if 5 were an option.
How hilarious would that meal be!?
His lips are healing pretty nicely and he should look like a normal human in a few days, hopefully. Until then no work for him.
Sometimes when i read celebrity interviews they ask them who they'd want to have dinner with if they could meet anyone. I find that most people list Oprah or Angelina but they would only be informative not enjoyable. My dream dinner companions are Amy Sedaris, Heather Armstrong of, Chelsea Handler and also Stephanie Klein and Augusten burroughs if 5 were an option.
How hilarious would that meal be!?
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hard not to be jealous
WOW! Watching Top 10 kitchens right now and i'm trying hard not to be green with envy. This color doesn't look that good on me but these are some pretty amazing kitchens and are attached to amazing homes to boot. I hope and wish that we make the right choices in life to get the life we dream of. We definitely don't need 7 ovens. Who does really but i'll take that build in coffee maker and the wine cellar. I'm just going to keep saying 'saving trend' because thats what we're in. We do buy still but we've been selling a lot of shit that we no longer need as well. OK, back to my jealousy.
Chadd Smith
I googled chadds name earlier and there are so many nonsensical postings from the Epic Movie he was in. You have to go a few pages in just to find anything else on him and believe me there is so much more. I wish there were some modeling links since thats what he does the most or at least links to dance clips of his. i'm loving the new clip on youtube in the dance battle against Miley Cyrus. It pretty much rocks and theres many awesome celebs, even Adam Sandler makes a cameo, the link is
I will definitely be journaling about the wack ass comedy show we saw last night but now i gotta go shower and get ready to go to china town with chadd and forrest to buy bamboo and whatnots.
I will definitely be journaling about the wack ass comedy show we saw last night but now i gotta go shower and get ready to go to china town with chadd and forrest to buy bamboo and whatnots.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
A new direction....
fact, no one reads this so instead of writing little stories or observations i'm going to journal. I love the idea of journaling but pen to paper is just to hard a this point. It's the computer era or it least it was a few eras ago and so with that in mind this is how i plan on recording my time spent. I really don't care to much who reads it but I guess I would prefer that my ex best friend doesn't read it just because she doesn't deserve to know about my life. Beyond that, whatever. I like the idea of our future kid having a window into her (yes HER but maybe him, who knows) parents life.
Today has been spend very domestically. How a saturday with the husband should be. Errands, buying moms mothers day cards, me laying by the pool while he plays oblivion. This game he's been playing for the last few weeks is actually not too bad. The music is nice, kinda gladiatorish and its not all shoot em up. Before chadd was up I fed my retail tooth and bought some adorable prints to put in the bathroom from Joom, off of, my new favorite website. I already got my dads fathers day present from there.
Tonight we are going with Emma and james to a comedy night that some guy from her gym is in, hopefully it doesn't suck. I feel like i want to look cute which would require me doing something with my hair, like straightening it and i'm soooo just not in the mood but emma puts in the effort so i guess i should too.
Other things to note as this is the first journal in awhile:
I just told chadd I will not give his finger a b.j. becuase thats something whores do. To which he replied, don't you want to be my whore? I mean, I spread willingly but whore is not a title i like to hold.
I'm reading "are you there vodka, it's me chelsea'. Good book, just for the funny factor. I feel like i would enjoy being her friend. So thats what i need to do, find a funny, sarcastic, crass friend who is loyal and extra points for being jewish. write it up.
And finally, sadly really, my sweet chadd has a funky burnt lip right now from this wickety wack job he did last week on the mountain that left him, mostly his lip, badly burnt and blistered. So much so that he had to cancel a fashion he had today much to the dismay of our bank account. Oh well, we are fully willing karma to not be a bitch and to make it up to us somehow soon. Worst of all is he could have been in Entourage because it filmed at my work on tuesday and I WAS IN IT! Doesn't come out till fall so we'll see if i'm actually in it or just a blur in the background. My monies on blur but whatevs it was fun.
Today has been spend very domestically. How a saturday with the husband should be. Errands, buying moms mothers day cards, me laying by the pool while he plays oblivion. This game he's been playing for the last few weeks is actually not too bad. The music is nice, kinda gladiatorish and its not all shoot em up. Before chadd was up I fed my retail tooth and bought some adorable prints to put in the bathroom from Joom, off of, my new favorite website. I already got my dads fathers day present from there.
Tonight we are going with Emma and james to a comedy night that some guy from her gym is in, hopefully it doesn't suck. I feel like i want to look cute which would require me doing something with my hair, like straightening it and i'm soooo just not in the mood but emma puts in the effort so i guess i should too.
Other things to note as this is the first journal in awhile:
I just told chadd I will not give his finger a b.j. becuase thats something whores do. To which he replied, don't you want to be my whore? I mean, I spread willingly but whore is not a title i like to hold.
I'm reading "are you there vodka, it's me chelsea'. Good book, just for the funny factor. I feel like i would enjoy being her friend. So thats what i need to do, find a funny, sarcastic, crass friend who is loyal and extra points for being jewish. write it up.
And finally, sadly really, my sweet chadd has a funky burnt lip right now from this wickety wack job he did last week on the mountain that left him, mostly his lip, badly burnt and blistered. So much so that he had to cancel a fashion he had today much to the dismay of our bank account. Oh well, we are fully willing karma to not be a bitch and to make it up to us somehow soon. Worst of all is he could have been in Entourage because it filmed at my work on tuesday and I WAS IN IT! Doesn't come out till fall so we'll see if i'm actually in it or just a blur in the background. My monies on blur but whatevs it was fun.
Friday, May 2, 2008
it's because he's got SUCH a big nose!
and he's funny but really, Steve Carell and that nose. My god. He's funny but I think we as the coming public needed a 'real' person and he was the answer. Someone who looks like us, especially us jews. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the gods, the heavens and baby jesus for blessing me not with the Jewish nose. Back on subject, I'm on the fence as to weather the office british version or US version is funnier. I think NOW our version is funnier but I would laugh more if Randy Gervais was in charge.
I'd also like to confess that I'm addicted to Rock of love AND The Bachelor. I should just hang myself right now but I guarantee you this I will NEVER watch 'farmer wants a wife' OR 'paris hiltons best friends search'.
I'd also like to confess that I'm addicted to Rock of love AND The Bachelor. I should just hang myself right now but I guarantee you this I will NEVER watch 'farmer wants a wife' OR 'paris hiltons best friends search'.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Pussy cat dogs....
Fashion week comes to LA but twice a year. I always try to make it to at least one of his shows but sometimes it's hard to get away from work if it's a day show but this year i totally made time especially since little twink sister was in town. She lurves fashion too and is studying PR so we thought of it as research for her future fabulousness. Drunken research it should be called because bitches can't behave when free drinks are at the helm and hotness is all around which means no food although a sweet security guard hooked us up with some snacky sandwiches; DON'T FEED THE MODELS!
The bitch of it was that after seeing the Monarchy Collection show - Chadd smashed it SEE:
we hung around to get into his PCDs show. He was just there as eyecandy which apparently is his new gig, whatevs. But once again they gave out too many tickets and therefore we were left boozing in the lobby. There is video on youtube of it though and it would have been a fun show to see because the Pussies themselves actually performed
He also rocked the conscious clothing lines of Green Initiative and wore bamboo jeans. Now i wonder if that trend will catch on. It really seemed like having dance elements within a fashion show has caught on and I can't help but wonder if it had something to do with Justin Timbs fall 06 show for William Rast when he totally had awesome dancers open his fashion show. Anyways, check out Chadd mid dance move...

well that is my fashion week wrap up! Now work it you fierce-tranny-hotmesses, JUST KIDDING!
The bitch of it was that after seeing the Monarchy Collection show - Chadd smashed it SEE:

we hung around to get into his PCDs show. He was just there as eyecandy which apparently is his new gig, whatevs. But once again they gave out too many tickets and therefore we were left boozing in the lobby. There is video on youtube of it though and it would have been a fun show to see because the Pussies themselves actually performed
He also rocked the conscious clothing lines of Green Initiative and wore bamboo jeans. Now i wonder if that trend will catch on. It really seemed like having dance elements within a fashion show has caught on and I can't help but wonder if it had something to do with Justin Timbs fall 06 show for William Rast when he totally had awesome dancers open his fashion show. Anyways, check out Chadd mid dance move...

well that is my fashion week wrap up! Now work it you fierce-tranny-hotmesses, JUST KIDDING!
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