Drinks between the hours of 2-3pm at the Palm monday - friday with boss and sometimes Exec- prod (I must protect thier privacy HA). Carlos is the bartender of choice whereas my drink of choice (d.o.c. = doc, like medicine) fluctuates between Champagne, vodka tonic, Lemondrop, Arnold Palmer if I decide not to partake in libations and todays was uber yummy: a margharita rocks NO SALT with a splash of Chambord so basically its a purple margharita.
Unfortunately for this foodie theres usually on drinks sometimes an extra olive or some flat bread but none of the steak or lobster that the Palm is so well no for. Boo hoo for me.
I usually only have one drink because 2 would basically have me going home drunk to pass out at 5 therefore forgoing all of my good intentions for the evening. Tonight, I plan on hitting up 'Hip hop' at 24 hr fitness. It'll technically be my first class and i hope its not lead by some ubergay who can't get down because I will walk out I swear. I'm deliberating over going thug out in maybe some gangsta sweats and a bandana or should i blend in with the gays with some tight bicycle shorts and a thong leotard over. Only time will tell.
I must blog about Entourage shooting at work last week. Must be recorded for posterity, whatever that means.
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